Production variety and just-in-time manufacturing make die change a critical factor for the entire press operation. Smaller production runs can be less efficient, as more frequent retooling increases downtime. Frequent change also increases both the
risk of operator injury and damage to the tools.
With the QDX program, you will improve your performance by drastically reducing downtime and increasing the overall efficiency of your equipment.
For a complete quick die change solution, SERAPID has also designed a large range of tool transfer equipment ranging from fork lift trucks to automated rail mounted
carts. They reduce transit and handling times between the storage area and the production area. SERAPID standard solutions include:
• the PPS series – Push Pull System – push / pull – fixed or removable mounted on presses
• the TPCH – TPCH series – Horizontal Loading Positioning Table – fork lift truck accessories, adding a mechanised die loading system to any existing fork lift truck
• the GPO series – Die Carrier and Stackerpedestrian controlled stacker or driver controlled truck